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The Hope for Alzheimer's Membership

The exclusive membership is open only to those who are familiar with the Bredesen Protocol and want to stay focused throughout the year as you make it a lifestyle.

It’s about transformation, and that takes time.

Coaching with me one-on-one or in my group may have needed to be longer to get the impactful results you needed. Making the Bredesen Protocol, a lifestyle often can’t happen in a day; it can’t happen in a week, and it can’t even happen in a few weeks.

Community. It’s something we all crave.

We crave to be around people that understand us. We love to be around people where we can have deep conversations and connect. We crave having that community of like-minded people going through the same thing so we can talk about our challenges and share our wins! One of the reasons I love memberships so much is the community experience they can create!

Accountability. Get support when you need it most.

You want a genuine shift in making the protocol your lifestyle, which takes time, energy, and feedback. We know what we need and should be doing to implement the Bredesen Protocol, but the doing it alone can make it even harder and feel isolating. This community changes that.

Benefits of joining the Hope for Alzheimer's Membership:

  • Being part of a like-minded community
  • Monthly Zoom Meetings for Q&A and community building
  • Weekly video from Robbi to start your week with clarity and focus
  • Monthly training Video on an aspect of the Bredesen Protocol
  • Access to purchase individual coaching sessions at a discount
  • Private Hope for Alzheimer's Membership Facebook Group to post follow-up questions, share ideas and recipes, and encourage one another

Join today for $79 monthly

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